Joe Bastardi’s Point-by-point rebuttal of Kamala Harris’s unscientific climate tweet By Joe Bastardi Honestly, sometimes I marvel at things like this. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Outrageous statements such as these are gifts that keep on giving. Let’s check the facts: 1) wildfires less than 20% of earlier 20th century in acreage burned. 2) Hurricane ace index/storm near record lows this year, […]

‘Experts say’ name heatwaves like hurricanes – Seek shelter, a ‘Category 2’ heatwave is heading your way

Want to save lives? Name heat waves like hurricanes, experts say. — Bob Ward (@ret_ward) August 5, 2020 Want to save lives? Name heat waves like hurricanes, experts say. By Shannon Osaka Excerpts: Now, as triple-digit heat waves set records around the country and around the world, a group of health experts, climate […]

‘The Science’ Proves Extreme Weather Events Are NOT Increasing COGNITIVE BIAS : Climate Change Alarmists Refuse To Accept ‘The Science’ That Proves Extreme Weather Events Are NOT Increasing By Jamie Spry THE widely held belief that ‘Extreme Weather’ has become worse, as a result of man-made carbon dioxide emissions, is a tribute to the success of climate change propaganda pushed relentlessly by CO2-centric politicians and […]

AccuWeather Founder/CEO: ‘No evidence so far that extreme heat waves are becoming more common because of climate change’ – ’26 of 50 states set their all-time high temp records during 1930s’ By Dr. Joel N. Myers, AccuWeather Founder and CEO A story came to my attention recently that merited comment. It appeared in London’s The Telegraph, and was headlined, “Give heat waves names so people take them more seriously, say experts, as Britain braces for hottest day.” The story’s leaping-off point was a press release from […]

Climate analyst on fed climate report: ‘Cherry picks’ a few bad weather events…extrapolates using the most scary scenarios’ By Paul Homewood This latest Federal Climate Report follows the same pattern as previous ones. Cherry pick a few bad weather events, ignore all of the bad weather which did not happen, and extrapolate the lot using the most scary scenarios. Last year, they issued the “Climate Science Special Report”, which basically summed […]

UK Met Office Accused Of Misleading BBC Audience Over Extreme Weather

 Via: GWPF Newsletter 11/08/17 Met Office Accused Of Misleading BBC Audience Over Extreme Weather BBC Defends Lord Lawson Climate Change Interview The world is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters. This holds for the weather phenomena that have historically caused the most damage: tropical cyclones, floods, tornadoes and drought. Given how weather […]

Study: ‘Global warming’ has made the weather better for most in U.S.

If greenhouse gas emissions continue unchecked, 88% of the current population will live in areas where the weather is less pleasant than it was before. The paper does not predict how changing weather patterns will influence migration patterns over the coming century. “We’ve received warmer winters without paying the price for hotter summers,” Mullin said […]