Watch: It’s not climate change: The truth about the California wildfires (& all wildfires)
It’s not climate change: The truth about the California wildfires (and all wildfires) OMG: This 2.5-minute clip from @Martin_Durkin is brilliant; please don’t miss it! — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) January 16, 2025
Analysis: Actual raw (adjusted) thermometer data indicate little warming in continental U.S. since 1895
“But, Chris, you never discuss averages.” Okay, here you go then. Take a look at this plot. Study it hard. This graph shows the U.S. Lower 48 average mean temperature from 1895 to 2023. The blue curve shows the actual raw (measured) values. The red curve shows the… — Chris Martz (@ChrisMartzWX) July 22, […]
Morano: Joe Biden’s EPA admits past heat waves were worse in the USA
Morano: How can heat waves get worse? It’s because they started their chart in the coldest period of the 20th century 1960 to claim that heat waves are now much worse than they were. See: EPA promotes U.S. heatwave increase since 1960s while downplaying HUGE DECREASE in U.S. heatwaves since 1930s If you pick the […]
Listen: Morano on DC’s WMAL on debunks ‘global boiling’, end of ‘summer vacations’ & explains the weaponization of the weather –
Broadcast August 08, 2023
Listen: Morano on Joe Piscopo Show talks media hype on heatwaves Broadcast July 26, 2022 # Related Links: We have to get rid of the 1930s EPA heatwave records! Warmist Prof. Andrew Dessler tries to erase 1930s heatwaves – Seeks to ‘change’ definition of heatwave Climate activists don’t like seeing heatwaves in the 1930s hotter by far than any heatwaves today according to Biden’s EPA. […]
Norway Heatwaves Are Perfectly Normal, Despite What NYT’s Paul Krugman Says By Paul Homewood Another step towards climate fraud: We’re having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave. Also a temperate heat wave and an Arctic heat wave, with temperatures reaching the high 80s in northern Norway. Climate change is already doing immense damage, and it’s probably only a matter of time before we experience huge catastrophes […]
Climate Activist Prof. Dessler seeks to eliminate record-breaking 1930s EPA heatwave chart
Hey @AndrewDessler You said Marc @ClimateDepot need some "new material", well here it is. — Watts Up With That (@wattsupwiththat) June 28, 2022 Hmm. "Truth bomb"?! Starting temps in 1971 to show warming trend seems a bit manipulative. The EPA also tried this recently with heat waves. EPA promotes U.S. heatwave increase since 1960s while […]
Shellenberger: The Real Reason They Blame Heat Deaths, Blackouts, & Forest Fires on Climate Change Is Because — They’re Causing Them Is it a coincidence that those who say civilization is unsustainable are making it so?
Shellenberger Key points: What determines whether people die in heat waves is whether or not they have air conditioning, not whether temperatures rose to 111° instead of 109°. Proof of that comes from the fact that heat-related deaths declined in the US by 50% to 75% since 1960 thanks entirely to air conditioning What […]
‘Purely political’ EPA’s Updated Climate Data Claims Global Warming’s Impacts Are Already Here – Point-by-point Rebuttal By Paul Homewood h/t Dennis Ambler We’ve known for a long while, but this proves the EPA is not an objective, scientific organisation, but a purely political one: The Environmental Protection Agency has revived its dashboard of key climate change indicators after four years with no updates. From spikes in summer heat waves […]
NPR’s Claims on Heatwaves, Drought, Fires Prove False By H. Sterling Burnett NPR’s “All Things Considered” program is claiming climate change is causing in increase in heatwaves, drought, and wildfires. Utilizing supposition instead of data, NPR presents no scientific evidence to back up its claim that any heatwave, drought, or wildfire must be caused by climate change. Government climate and weather data, […]