EPA Chief Wheeler: Trump admin might ‘re‑examine’ climate science

https://www.eenews.net/climatewire/stories/1060305525 Wheeler: Trump admin might ‘re‑examine’ climate science Jean Chemnick, E&E News reporter Published: Friday, May 10, 2019 EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler met with other environment ministers in France to discuss climate change. PhotoPQR/L’Est Republicain/Maxppp/Newscom EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler used an overseas gathering of environment ministers this week to hint that the United States might overhaul the […]

Some in GOP shrinking from climate skepticism? Morano explains & urges Presidential climate commission

https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/conservatives-must-stand-up-to-climate-change-bullying/ Conservatives Must Stand Up to Climate Change Bullying BY TOM HARRIS AND DR. JAY LEHR Canada and the United States have many things in common – we love our hockey players, our astronauts and our veterans. We value freedom and prosperity and, when push comes to shove, will fight tooth and nail against those […]

Former Greenpeace Chief Dr. Patrick Moore Leads Climate Skeptics Group with Dr. Will Happer at White House

http://co2coalition.org/2019/05/06/former-greenpeace-chief-leads-climate-skeptics-group-with-happer-at-white-house/ By John Siciliano and Josh Siegel The co-founder of the environmental group Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, on Monday took the helm of a group of climate change skeptics known as the “Carbon Coalition” [i.e., the CO2 Coalition] to counter the global scientific consensus that climate change is a crisis resulting in more extreme weather. Moore will […]

REPORT: Trump Will Meet With Top Advisers To Discuss Plans To Challenge Climate Reports With Presidential Commission

https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/30/trump-challenge-climate-reports/ By MICHAEL BASTASCH President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet Wednesday with close advisers to discuss creating a commission to scrutinize government climate change reports. The commission would be spearheaded by Princeton physicist William Happer, who sees CO2 emissions as a net benefit for the planet. Democrats have attacked Happer’s plan, but it’s gotten […]

WHITE HOUSE: CLIMATE SCIENCE REVIEW PANEL TAKING (BAD) SHAPE?! – TO BE LED BY FORMER AMBASSADOR who ‘doesn’t have a history of speaking about climate change’

http://www.thegwpf.com/climate-science-review-panel-taking-shape/ Scientific American , E&E News A controversial plan by the White House to review the connections between climate change and national security might be led by a former official with the Department of Energy who oversaw talks about nuclear weapons tests with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Former Ambassador C. Paul Robinson, […]

Skeptics press White House to keep proposed climate panel independent – Reject scientists ‘dependent on government funding’

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/apr/8/presidential-committee-climate-security-must-be-in/ By Valerie Richardson – The Washington Times – Monday, April 8, 2019 If you’re going to set up a presidential panel to review federal climate research, say supporters, it should probably consist of people other than federal climate researchers. Behind the scenes at the White House, however, the debate is playing out over whether to create […]

Climate science needs a critical review by skeptical experts – A call for a Presidential Commission on Climate Change

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/03/28/climate-science-needs-a-critical-review-by-skeptical-experts/ Guest essay By Myron Ebell WASHINGTON — Is global warming a looming catastrophe? President Donald Trump has often said he doesn’t think so even while his administration continues to release official reports warning that it is. The president will soon find out who is right by convening a high-level commission to do a critical […]

Watch: Morano on Canadian TV: Trump’s proposed Presidential Commission on Climate Change could be game-changer in climate debate

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Marc Morano of ClimateDepot.com joined me to discuss the failure of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal and Donald Trump proposing a Presidential Commission on Climate Change. WATCH my interview with Marc to see how this commission would enable the mass distribution of evidence to counter the left’s climate change narrative.

Obama Judge Blocks Oil Exploration for “Climate Change.” Seriously.

https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/energy/item/31821-obama-judge-blocks-oil-exploration-for-climate-change Climate skeptic Marc Morano, who edits ClimateDepot.com, placed some of the blame for this ruling on Republicans — including on the Bush and Trump administrations. “This is inevitable — and what I mean by that is the George W. Bush administration did not push back or try to change anything,” he told OneNewsNow. “They […]

Morano: “Who can blame a judge? for blocking oil and gas drilling due to ‘climate’ – ‘Trump admin. has not challenged CO2 endangerment finding’ – Bush admin ‘rubber-stamped UN’ reports

  https://onenewsnow.com/legal-courts/2019/03/22/who-can-blame-a-judge-when-3-presidents-dropped-the-ball By Chris Woodward (OneNewsNow.com) A federal judge has blocked an oil and gas drilling project over concerns about man-made climate change. One skeptic says Republicans deserve some of the blame here, too. The project in question involves almost 500 square miles of public land in Wyoming. U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras, an Obama […]