On Climate, Lindsey Graham Says GOP Ready to ‘Cross Rubicon’

https://cei.org/blog/climate-lindsey-graham-says-gop-ready-cross-rubicon By Marlo Lewis, Jr. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told reporters yesterday at an Earth Day event in Dallas that congressional Republicans are “ready to cross the Rubicon” on climate change. According E&E News, which ran the story today, Graham and other Republican colleagues are “developing legislation to introduce next year that could serve as the […]

Global Warming Takes Center Stage in SC Sen. Lindsey Graham’s GOP Primary

Related Links:  The GOP could have warned the Dems! Sen. Graham Bolts From Democratic Climate Effort — ‘said he would vote against a climate strategy he helped develop’ Flashback Oct. 2009: GOP Sen. Graham’s Climate Dance: Graham represents ‘everything that is wrong with politics (and the GOP) in DC today’ CNN: Why Democrats shouldn’t toy […]