State Department To Delay Keystone XL Pipeline Decision Until After November

State Department To Delay Keystone XL Pipeline Decision Until After November President Barack Obama arriving at the TransCanada Stillwater Pipe Yard in Cushing, Okla. CREDIT: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez The State Department will “extend the government comment period on the Keystone XL pipeline, likely postponing a final decision on the controversial project until after the […]

Four Reasons Why The Environment Movement Is Losing The Battle For Hearts And Minds: ‘Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket’

Four Reasons Why The Environment Movement Is Losing The Battle For Hearts And Minds “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket,” Eric Hoffer wrote more than 40 years ago. It’s still anyone’s guess whether President Obama will approve the Keystone pipeline.  Perhaps he will continue to […]

NASA’S FORMER EX-CON JAMES HANSEN TO TESTIFY IN SENATE NEXT WEEK On Keystone Pipeline Keystone XL and the National Interest Determination U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Presiding: Senator Menendez Date: Thursday, March 13, 2014 Time: 11:15 AM Location: Dirksen 419 Webcast: This hearing is scheduled to be live webcast. Please return to this page to view the hearing live at the specified date and time. Panel One […]

Billionaire Democrat donor Tom Steyer plans to spend $100 million in mid-term elections ‘to enact climate change measures through a hard-edge campaign of attack ads’ Excerpts from Feb. 18, 2014 NYT article: Targets include the governor’s race in Florida, where the incumbent, Rick Scott, a first-term Republican, has said he does not believe that science has established that climate change is man-made. Mr. Steyer’s group is also looking at the Senate race in Iowa, in the hope that a win […]

WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: ‘Is Keystone the Biggest Green Defeat Ever?’ The American Interest ANALYSIS BY WALTER RUSSELL MEAD & STAFF ENVIRO-MENTAL Is Keystone the Biggest Green Defeat Ever? The long-awaited State Department report on Keystone XL was released last Friday, and it confirmed what common sense already told us: building this pipeline won’t significantly affect emissions. The oil in Canada’s tar sands will make […]

Alex Epstein’s Manifesto: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels – Every medium and every audience, needs to incorporate the moral case for fossil fuels and values-based communication’

Manifesto: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels Today, Alex Epstein launched a new manifesto for the fossil fuel industry. It’s a must-read. Please share with friends who might be interested—particularly those in the fossil fuel industry!     EXCERPTS:   “In the battle for hearts and minds, you are widely viewed as worse than […]