USGS: ‘Although it may seem that we are having more earthquakes, earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or greater have remained fairly constant’
Mockery: Greenland Ice Sheet Meltdown Causing Earthquakes?!: Temps in interior of Greenland have been averaging -50C,which climate ‘experts’ tell us is causing massive melting and earthquakes’
Why, yes, linking climate change to Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes DOES seem ‘to be bordering on the insane’
Huffington Post: Earthquake/Hurricane Caused By The Wrath Of The CO2 God: ‘God is very disappointed with humanity for leaving the gas on in our home planet. it’s dangerous, wasteful, and wrong’
Warmists have long history of blaming earthquakes on AGW! Flashback: More Mega Earthquakes in a Climate Changed World Say Scientists’