Biologist Dr Jennifer Marohasy explains how Australia’s ‘Net-Zero’ legislation will ‘decimate farming’ by restricting ‘nitrogen fertilizers’ Keeping You in the Loop By Dr Jennifer Marohasy It was back in 2001 when WWF launched its ‘Save the Reef Campaign’ on World Environment Day that I got to watch the roll out of an environment campaign close-up. The injustice of that campaign that was intended to limit nitrogen fertilizer use by farmers in […]
Great Barrier Reef expands, breaks coral cover record again – ‘Data confirms reef in rude good heath’ View this email in your browser Great Barrier Reef breaks coral cover record again Press Release Official data confirms reef in rude good heath London, 4 August — Official data released today reveals that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is in excellent health, with coral cover reaching record levels for the second consecutive year. Aggregate GBR […]
Analysis debunks ‘false’ UN’s WMO ‘Key Climate Indicators’ report – Point-by-point rebuttal of ‘alarmist’ report
Ron Clutz rebuts UN’s WMO report claiming Oceans are hotter, higher and more acidic, climate report warns Clutz on sea levels: “Altimetry Estimates Are Unreliable. Tidal Gauges show slow, steady coastal rise. Land subsiding or rebounding Makes Local Differences. There was an adjustment made to the dataset, and the “acceleration” comes by starting from the […]
Oceans Were More ‘Acidic’ In The 1730s…Today’s CO2 Levels Are Geologically Trifling By Kenneth Richard A new study shows ocean pH (“acidification”) levels naturally vary seasonally and decadally at rates and magnitudes far exceeding those attributed to anthropogenic activity. In recent decades the oceans’ average pH level has fallen to 8.1 according to NOAA. This pH value is said to be about one-tenth of a […]
Alex Epstein: Great Barrier Reef ‘has been rapidly improving—which doesn’t fit the catastrophist agenda’ – Media ignores good climate news Alex Epstein You may have noticed that the media aren’t covering the Great Barrier Reef much this year, after reporting its imminent death incessantly for years. The reason is not no news but good news. The GBR has been rapidly improving—which doesn’t fit the catastrophist agenda. THREAD The New York Times has for […]
Recovery of Great Barrier Reef exposes false claims by China and climate alarmists Recovery of Great Barrier Reef exposes false claims by China and climate alarmistsThe Global Warming Policy Forum / by bennypeiser / 1dThe Great Barrier Reef is showing signs of recovery with some of the best coral coverage recorded in years, according to a survey of the natural wonder conducted by the commonwealth’s chief independent […]
Sorry, Climate Alarmists, Coral Numbers Demonstrate Climate Change Extinction Threat Is Non-Existent By H. Sterling Burnett – That climate change threatens the extinction of coral reefs is among the least well-founded but most persistent assertions made by climate alarmists. In truth, scientists have previously had no clear population count of how many individual corals and coral species existed worldwide. However, new research described […]
Smithsonian study finds more bad news about climate change: skimpier Chesapeake Bay oysters In a lab dubbed the “room of doom” at an Edgewater research center, scientists learned that climate change is no friend to lovers of meaty oysters. A new study by the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center shows that oysters stressed by low dissolved oxygen and warm water early in life grow thicker shells and less […]
Coral Extinction Crisis Canceled – New Study Documents Billions of Coral Colonies Coral Extinction Crisis Canceled – New Study Documents Billions of Coral ColoniesClimate Realism / by James Taylor / 2h A newly published study of coral reefs finds coral populations are staggeringly large and extremely unlikely to face extinction pressures anytime in the foreseeable future. The peer-reviewed study by scientists who had previously promoted alarm […]
Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore’s new book: ‘Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom’
“Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom”, now #15 for all non-fiction on Amazon Canada, highest for any self-published book: # Here is Dr. Patrick Moore’s description of his unique thesis as presented in Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom. “It dawned on me one day that most of the scare stories […]