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AP’s Seth Borenstein hypes new UN climate report: ‘Atlas of human suffering’ worse, bigger – AP: AGW ‘is likely going to make world sicker, hungrier, poorer, gloomier & way more dangerous’ – Morano responds

AP: “Today’s IPCC report is an atlas of human suffering and a damning indictment of failed climate leadership,” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement. “With fact upon fact, this report reveals how people and the planet are getting clobbered by climate change.” Climate Depot’s Morano comment: “Here we go again: The media & UN IPCC’s latest atlas of unsubstantiated hype all based on what the AP calls ‘the vast majority of future scenarios.’ Or in layman’s terms, unproven extreme climate model scenarios tuned to paint a dire climate future and scare the public into climate ‘action.’ One can only wonder how upset the UN IPCC and their legion of climate activists are that this new reheated report of climate doom was released when the world is not paying one ounce of attention to the UN climate scare due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Of course, the UN IPCC has an eye on the long game here of eventually having the climate scare rise again to replace the now waning COVID mandates. This report is attempting to lay the groundwork to move the world from COVID lockdowns to climate lockdowns in a declared climate ’emergency.’ The AP once again reveals how the UN’s ‘scientific’ sausage is made, as it reports that the new IPCC report’s summer was ‘edited line-by-line by governments and scientists with that final summary approved by consensus.’” Having government bureaucrats and scientists hash out a ‘scientific’ report sounds so sciency. The following are actual words & quotes from Associated Press’ press release style article on the UN IPCC report:  ‘Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health’ … ‘Climate change is killing people’ … The ‘Your House is on Fire’ report. … ‘Getting clobbered by climate change’ … ‘Real existential threats’ …  ‘Severe risks…some will be irreversible’ … ‘It’s really bad’ … ‘There’s a good chance that it will get worse.’ The AP/UN IPCC (hard to tell them apart) employs typical used car salesman techniques: The IPCC warns the world ‘will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity.’ And the AP quotes the IPCC report co-chair Hans-Otto Poertner of Germany warning, ‘Every bit of warming matters. The longer you wait… the more you will pay later.’ WIll the UN IPCC offer zero-interest loans to pay for the inevitable energy poverty that will come from the misguided solar and wind energy policies that the report is pushing on the world? It is doubtful, but the UN IPCC sure knows how to morph ‘the science’ into lobbying for their preferred policies.” – End Morano statement # AP: Monday’s 36-page summary, condensed from more than 1,000 pages of analysis, was written by scientists and then edited line-by-line by governments and scientists with that final summary approved by consensus Saturday during a two-week virtual conference that occurred while Russia invaded Ukraine. In the final hours, a Ukrainian delegate made an impassioned plea that the war not overshadow the climate change report, some authors said. By SETH BORENSTEIN Deadly with extreme weather now, climate change is about to get so much worse. It is likely going to make the world sicker, hungrier, poorer, gloomier and way more dangerous in the next 18 years with an “unavoidable” increase in risks, a new United Nations science report says. And after that watch out. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report said Monday if human-caused global warming isn’t limited to just another couple tenths of a degree, an Earth now struck regularly by deadly heat, fires, floods and drought in future decades will degrade in 127 ways with some being “potentially irreversible.” “The cumulative scientific evidence is unequivocal: Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health,” says the major report designed to guide world leaders in their efforts to curb climate change. Delaying cuts in heat-trapping carbon emissions and waiting on adapting to warming’s impacts, it warns, “will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.” Today’s children who may still be alive in the year 2100 are going to experience four times more climate extremes than they do now even with only a few more tenths of a degree of warming over today’s heat. But if temperatures increase nearly 2 more degrees Celsius from now (3.4 degrees Fahrenheit) they would feel five times the floods, storms, drought and heat waves, according to the collection of scientists at the IPCC. Already at least 3.3 billion people’s daily lives “are highly vulnerable to climate change” and 15 times more likely to die from extreme weather, the report says. Large numbers of people are being displaced by worsening weather extremes. And the world’s poor are being hit by far the hardest, it says. More people are going to die each year from heat waves, diseases, extreme weather, air pollution and starvation because of global warming, the report says. Just how many people die depends on how much heat-trapping gas from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas gets spewed into the air and how the world adapts to an ever-hotter world, scientists say. “Climate change is killing people,” said co-author Helen Adams of King’s College London. “Yes, things are bad, but actually the future depends on us, not the climate.” With every tenth of a degree of warming, many more people die from heat stress, heart and lung problems from heat and air pollution, infectious diseases, illnesses from mosquitoes and starvation, the authors say. The report lists mounting dangers to people, plants, animals, ecosystems and economies, with people at risk in the millions and billions and potential damages in the trillions of dollars. The report highlights people being displaced from homes, places becoming uninhabitable, the number of species dwindling, coral disappearing, ice shrinking and rising and increasingly oxygen-depleted and acidic oceans. Some of these risks can still be prevented or lessened with prompt action. “Today’s IPCC report is an atlas of human suffering and a damning indictment of failed climate leadership,” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement. “With fact upon fact, this report reveals how people and the planet are getting clobbered by climate change.” The panel of more than 200 scientists puts out a series of these massive reports every five to seven years, with this one, the second of the series, devoted to how climate change affects people and the planet. Last August the science panel published a report on the latest climate science and projections for future warming, branded “code red” by the United Nations. Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe of The Nature Conservancy, who wasn’t part of the latest report, calls it the “Your House is on Fire” report. “There’s real existential threats,” report co-chair Debra Roberts of South Africa told The Associated Press. Since the last version of this impacts panel’s report in 2014, “all the risks are coming at us faster than we thought before,” said report co-author Maarten van Aalst, a climate scientist for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, mentioning floods, droughts and storms. “More of it will get really bad much sooner than we thought before.” “Every bit of warming matters. The longer you wait… the more you will pay later,” said report co-chair Hans-Otto Poertner of Germany told the AP in an interview. By 2050, a billion people will face coastal flooding risk from rising seas, the report says. More people will be forced out of their homes from weather disasters, especially flooding, sea level rise and tropical cyclones. If warming exceeds a few more tenths of a degree, it could lead to some areas becoming uninhabitable, including some small islands, said report co-author Adelle Thomas of the University of Bahamas and Climate Analytics. And eventually in some places it will become too hot for people to work outdoor, which will be a problem for raising crops, said report co-author Rachel Bezner Kerr of Cornell University. Some of these climate change harms have been warned about for years, even decades, and have become reality, now written in the past and present tenses. Others are still warnings about future woes fast approaching. Monday’s 36-page summary, condensed from more than 1,000 pages of analysis, was written by scientists and then edited line-by-line by governments and scientists with that final summary approved by consensus Saturday during a two-week virtual conference that occurred while Russia invaded Ukraine. In the final hours, a Ukrainian delegate made an impassioned plea that the war not overshadow the climate change report, some authors said. Study authors said much of Africa, parts of Central and South America and South Asia are “hot spots” for the worst harms to people and ecosystems. The report has a new emphasis on the mental health toll climate change has taken, both on people displaced or harmed by extreme weather and on people’s anxiety level, especially youths worried about their futures. If the world warms just another nine-tenths of a degree Celsius from now (1.6 degrees Fahrenheit), the amount of land burned by wildfires globally will increase by 35%, the report says. And the rest of the living world won’t be spared either, with the report warning of climate change extinctions. Already two species — the mammal Bramble Cays melomys in Australia and Central America’s golden toad — have gone extinct because of climate change. But much more will come with every bit of warming, said Poertner, the German co-chair. One of the biggest changes in the report from previous versions emphasizes how crucial a key temperature threshold is scientifically and for people and how exceeding it, even if only a few decades, can cause permanent damage. In the 2015 Paris agreement, the world adopted a goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times, which was then further cemented when a special IPCC report in 2018 showed massive harms beyond that 1.5 degree mark. This new report found that threshold is even more important, but scientists do note that the world does not fall off a cliff after that mark. Because the world is already 1.1 degrees (2 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than pre-industrial time and emissions are still rising, not falling, the vast majority of future scenarios show temperatures are on track to shoot well above 1.5 degrees, hitting the mark in the 2030s. So some officials began to count on going over that threshold and coming back down a decade or so later with still-to-be-proven expensive technology to suck carbon out of the air or by some other means. Monday’s report says that if that overshoot happens, “then many human and natural systems will face additional severe risks… some will be irreversible, even if global warming is reduced.” Countries need to do more to adapt to warming, with rich countries needing to do a better job giving financial help to poorer nations to adjust to climate change caused mostly by the developing world, the report says. But there are limits to what adapting can accomplish and sometimes — like in the case of sea walls — technical fixes to lessen harms in one place will make it worse somewhere else, the report says. Amid all the danger signs, experts said they want to shy away from doom. “Fear is not a good advisor and never is,” German vice chancellor and minister for climate and economy Robert Habeck told the AP. “Hope is the right one.” Hayhoe said what’s needed is realism, action and hope. “It’s really bad and there’s a good chance that it will get worse,” Hayhoe said. “But if we do everything we can, that will make a difference. Our actions will make the difference… That’s what hope is.”

AP’s Seth Borenstein rips Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘You’re just a troll with a love for conspiracy, a hatred for science and reality. Leave science to smart people’

Oh, come on Seth. Your 'job' is to promote bullshit climate scares in any way you can imagine, to hell with the actual science. Flashbacks: & — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) April 22, 2020 No reason to get so testy Seth. Happy Earth Day. — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) April 22, 2020 A few more: — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) April 22, 2020 It is Earth Day you know. I don't think I was prodding, just reacting honestly. 'Climate denial sphere'? Even Seth does not use word 'denial' anymore in his 'reporting.' — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) April 22, 2020 Upon further review, I made the first unprovoked rude comment to Seth and instigated him into making a nasty comment about me. For what it's worth Seth, I apologize. Over and out. Thanks. — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) April 24, 2020 Accepted. — @borenbears (@borenbears) April 24, 2020 # Related Links:  ‘Long sad history of AP reporter Seth Borenstein’s woeful global warming reporting’ Media Factsheet: Climate Depot Serving as the Media’s Ombudsman Update: AP’s Seth Borenstein at it again hyping Antarctic melt fears – Recycles same claims from 2014, 1990, 1979, 1922 & 1901! – Climate Depot’s Point-By-Point Rebuttal ‘The Associated Press is recycling more than century old Antarctica ice sheet melt and sea level rise fears.  Reporter Seth Borenstein is not the first one to hype these same Antarctica melt fears. Virtually the exact same claims and hype were reported in 2014, 1990, 1979, 1922 and 1901! 2014: Watch: WUSA 9 DC TV station on Antarctic melt fears features images of DC monuments underwater. ‘It’s our choice how fast the seas rise’ – We control sea level rise? Watch Now: Local DC News Schlock Report on Antarctica & Sea Level Rise 1990: Flashback January 11, 1990: NBC’s Today Show features Paul Ehrlich warning of impacts of Antarctic ice melt: ‘You Could Tie Your Boat to the Washington Monument’ 1979 NYT: “Boats could be launched from the bottom of the steps of the Capitol’ in DC –‘Experts Tell How Antarctic’s Ice Could Cause Widespread Floods – Mushy Ice Beneath Sheet’] 1922: ‘Mountain after mountain of [Antarctic] ice will fall into the sea, be swept northwards by the currents, and melt, thus bringing about, but at a much more rapid rate, the threatened inundation of the land by the rising of the sea to its ancient level.‘ – The Mail Adelaide, SA – April 29, 1922   1901: ‘London On The Border of Destruction’: ‘To Be Wiped Out By A Huge Wave’ – Queanbeyan Age – August 10, 1901 – Excerpt: ‘Geologists believe that this great ice sucker has reached the stage of perfection when it (Antarctica) will, break up again, letting loose all the waters of its suction over the two hemispheres, and completely flooding the low-lying lands of Europe, Asia, and North America.’ AP’s Seth Borenstein walks back the ‘hottest year’ claim Posted January 26, 20159:39 AM by Marc Morano | Tags: avg, Borenstein, media, pause AP’s Seth Borenstein publishes pure propaganda: Climate change has made Earth ‘hotter, weirder…downright wilder’ Borenstein: In the more than two decades since world leaders first got together to try to solve global warming, life on Earth has changed, not just the climate. It’s gotten hotter, more polluted with heat-trapping gases, more crowded and just downright wilder. Global temperature: up six-tenths of a degree. Population: up 1.7 billion people. Sea level: up 3 inches. U.S. extreme weather: up 30 percent. Ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica: down 4.9 trillion tons of ice.  “Simply put, we are rapidly remaking the planet and beginning to suffer the consequences,” says Michael Oppenheimer, of Princeton University. Diplomats from more than 190 nations opened talks Monday at a United Nations global warming conference in Lima, Peru, to pave the way for an international treaty they hope to forge next year. Climate Depot’s Morano comment: ‘AP’s Borenstein can be trusted to shill for UN’s climate summit in Lima Peru, which I will be attending and speaking at. Borenstein relies on Michael Oppenheimer (who is the UN scientists on the payroll of Hollywood stars) and Climategate’s Michael Mann. Borenstein ignores tide gauges on sea level  showing deceleration of sea level rise and ignores satellite temperatures which show the Earth in an 18 year ‘pause’ or ‘standstill’ of global warming. Borenstein tortures data in order to claim more weather extremes. We are currently at or near historic lows in tornadoes and hurricanes. Even droughts are on long term declines and floods show no trend. We know not to expect more from Borenstein.’ See: ‘Long sad history of AP reporter Seth Borenstein’s woeful global warming reporting’ Sea level claims debunked here: Extreme weather claims debunked here: Greenland ice claims debunked here: Antarctica ice claims debunked here: Overpopulation claims debunked here:   AP’s Seth Borenstein does his part for UN Peru climate conference propaganda Monckton rips AP’s Seth Borenstein for touting UN IPCC’s meaningless 95% confidence in man-made global warming: Monckton: It is ‘no more scientific a process than a show of hands’ Monckton to Borenstein: ‘The IPCC’s pretence that it is 95% confident that most of the warming since 1950 was manmade is transparently rent-seeking guesswork, to which no intelligent journalist should lend the slightest credence…The IPCC’s attempt to assign a quantified statistical confidence interval to a non-statistical process was inappropriate and, mathematically speaking, contemptible’ — The sheer dumbness of the IPCC’s approach should at least be questioned by journalists, not merely paraded as though it were some sort of Gospel truth…Surely it would be better to start asking real questions than merely to parrot uncritically the innumerate absurdities of a politicized clique of profiteers of doom in the scientific establishment. Time to raise your game.’ AP’s Borenstein wrote glowingly about the UN IPCC’s 95% confidence in man-made global warming, but failed to tell his readers that the number was made up out of thin air.  ‘ ‘It’s based on a discussion among the authors’  See: L Let’s talk percentages! Reuters explains UN IPCC’s 95% confidence of human causation of global warming: ‘It’s based on a discussion among the authors’ Borenstein’s latest tripe: Climate change as certain as cancer from smoking,scientists say Flashback: ‘Long sad history of AP reporter Seth Borenstein’s woeful global warming reporting’ More on Borenstein here. 

AP’s Seth Borenstein Tries The Daily Records Con – ‘Another remarkably dishonest and deceitful piece, even by Seth Borenstein standards’ Borenstein Tries The Daily Records Con MARCH 23, 2019 By Paul Homewood   Another remarkably dishonest and deceitful piece, even by Seth Borenstein standards. That it should be aided and abetted by NOAA is shameful: Over the past 20 years, Americans have been twice as likely to sweat through record-breaking heat rather than shiver through record-setting cold, a new Associated Press data analysis shows. The AP looked at 424 weather stations throughout the Lower 48 states that had consistent temperature records since 1920 and counted how many times daily hot temperature records were tied or broken and how many daily cold records were set. In a stable climate, the numbers should be roughly equal. Since 1999, the ratio has been two warm records set or broken for every cold one. In 16 of the last 20 years, there have been more daily high temperature records than low. The AP shared the data analysis with several climate and data scientists, who all said the conclusion was correct, consistent with scientific peer-reviewed literature and showed a clear sign of human-caused climate change. They pointed out that trends over decades are more robust than over single years. The analysis stopped with data through 2018. However, the first two months of 2019 are showing twice as many cold records than hot ones. That’s temporary and trends are over years and decades, not months, said National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration climate monitoring chief Deke Arndt. “We are in a period of sustained and significant warming and — over the long run — will continue to explore and break the warm end of the spectrum much more than the cold end,” Arndt said. Former Weather Channel meteorologist Guy Walton, who has been studying hot and cold extreme records since 2000, said the trend is unmistakable. “You are getting more extremes,” Walton said. “Your chances for getting more dangerous extremes are going up with time.” No place has seen the trend more clearly than the Southern California city of Pasadena, where 7,203 days (more than 19 years) went by between cold records being broken. On Feb. 23, Pasadena set a low temperature record, its first since June 5, 1999. Vermont native Paul Wennberg felt it. He moved to Pasadena in 1998 just before the dearth of cold records. “Even with the local cold we had this past month, it’s very noticeable,” said Wennberg, a California Institute of Technology atmospheric sciences professor. “It’s just been ever warmer.” In between the two cold record days, Pasadena set 145 hot records. That includes an all-time high of 113 degrees last year. “Last year was unbelievable here,” Wennberg said. “The tops of a lot of the hedges, they essentially melted.” Scientists often talked about human-caused global warming in terms of average temperatures, but that’s not what costs money or sends people to the hospital. A study this month found that in just 22 states, about 36,000 people on average go to the hospital because of excessive summertime heat. “The extremes affect our lives,” Arndt said, adding that they are expensive, with hospital stays, rising energy bills and crop losses. National Center for Atmospheric Research climate scientist Gerald Meehl, who has published peer-reviewed papers on the rising hot-to-cold ratio, said people pay more attention to climate when records are broken. The AP counted daily records across 424 stations starting in 1920 and ending in 2018. The AP only considered daily — not all-time — high maximum temperatures and low minimum temperatures and only used stations with minimal missing data. Temperatures that tied previous records were counted in addition to temperatures that broke previous records. More typical than Pasadena is Wooster, Ohio. From 1999 on, Wooster saw 106 high temperature records set or broken and 51 cold ones. In the previous eight decades, the ratio was slightly colder than one to one. At MW Robinson Co., people are lining up for air conditioning installation as the climate seems to get have been getting hotter over the years, said Lori Bowersock, who coordinates the firm’s HVAC installations. “It’s more and more every year,” Bowersock said. “Usually we don’t have them lined up like this.” Texas State Park police officer Thomas Bigham walks across the cracked lake bed of O.C. Fisher Lake, in San Angelo, Texas, on Aug. 3, 2011. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez, File) The AP’s other findings: — Since Jan. 1, 1999, just under half the stations had at least twice as many hot records set than cold ones, including Wooster. — In all, 87 percent of the weather stations had more hot records than cold since 1999. There have been 42 weather stations that have at least five hot records for every cold one since 1999, with 11 where the hot-to-cold ratio is 10-to-1 or higher, including Pasadena. — All nine of NOAA’s climate regions have seen more hot records set than cold ones since 1999, with the West, Southwest and Northeast having a 3-to-1 ratio. — All four seasons have had more hot records broken than cold for the same time period. — Most decades in the 20th century had close to an even ratio of hot to cold. The 1930s, driven by Dust Bowl summers, had about 1.4 hot records for every cold. The 1960s and 1970s had about 1.5 cold records for every hot. The 21st century has a 1.9-to-1 hot-to-cold ratio. “As a measure of climate change, the dailies (temperature records) will tell you more about what’s happening,” said climate scientist Chris Field of Stanford. “The impacts of climate change almost always come packaged in extremes.”   # Paul Homewood responds: I have highlighted in red some of the more misleading claims, but first let’s look at the graph:   Note that it starts in 1958. Why should that be? After all, the stations used in their analysis all have data going back to 1920. What are they trying to hide? Secondly they state “As time goes on, records become harder to set”. This would be true if ties were not included. But, as they also state, “The AP looked at 424 weather stations throughout the Lower 48 states that had consistent temperature records since 1920 and counted how many times daily hot temperature records were tied or broken and how many daily cold records were set.” In other words, ties are included, and consequently records should, in theory, be evenly distributed throughout the time scale. Given this, you can see straightaway that hot records have actually been declining since 1958. This, of course, rather destroys their argument that we are breaking the “warm end of the spectrum” more and more. All that we are seeing is that cold records have become much less common.   They present Wooster, OH as a good example. So let’s look at the full record there, which actually goes back to 1893. The CLIMOD2 climate tool supported by NOAA gives temperature records for each day of the year.   Using this database, I have graphed both the daily highs and lows:   The reason why AP decided to hide the data prior to 1958 becomes immediately obvious. Hot records were far more common not only in the 1930s, but 1950s as well. We also see far fewer cold records since around 1990. It is that lack of cold records which has skewed the ratio of hot/cold, and not an increase in the hot ones. We can see this more clearly if we combine both on the same graph:   According to Guy Walton: “You are getting more extremes. Your chances for getting more dangerous extremes are going up with time.” In fact, the opposite is true. The number of extremes, hot and cold added together, have been getting fewer in recent years.   These are, of course, daily records for the whole year, but what about summertime itself? What about that “record breaking heat”, or all of those air cons the good folks of Wooster are buying, as the climate seems to get have been getting hotter over the years,   It turns out that there is no evidence of this either, at Wooster at least. The chart below the highest temperature recorded each year, and we can see that were routinely much higher in the past. The second chart gives the number of days each year above 90C, and shows a similar pattern. What does stand out in the latter is the run of cool summers in the 1960s and 70s. Maybe Wooster is not representative of the rest of the country, so let’s look at the other example used, Pasadena. The first thing to note is that the weather station there is slap in the middle of the city with a population of 142,000. It is surrounded by large buildings and close to roads. Certainly not a proper site to measure climate trends at! But even there, we find no evidence that summers are more “sweltering”: Borenstein claims that we are seeing more and more “record breaking heat” and “more extremes”. The opposite is true. Hot records are less common than in the past, and cold records have become even rarer. As a result, we are seeing a reduction in extreme temperatures.   FOOTNOTE Tony Heller has also done his usual demolition job on the Borenstein report. He has plotted daily records at all USHCN sites, and comes up with very similar results to the Wooster analysis, both on an annual basis and during summer: Tony’s post is well worth a read here. Share this:

AP’s Seth Borenstein–Master Of Climate Propaganda and Fake News – Another ‘nonsensical article hyping climate alarm’

Seth Borenstein–Master Of Propaganda and Fake News By Paul Homewood This photo appears in an article yesterday, for AP written by Seth Borenstein: It is the lead for a nonsensical article hyping climate alarm ahead of next week’s meeting in Poland. Most of the points made have been well debunked already, but this photo tells us a lot about the misleading spin put by the likes of Borenstein, in support of their political agenda. Just in case you can’t read it, this is what the caption says: In this June 20, 2017 file photo, a local temperature sign reads 120-degree fahrenheit as temperatures climb to near record levels in Phoenix. Scientists say climate change is faster, more extensive and worse than they thought a quarter century ago. The subliminal messages are easy to spot: 120F – Wow!! The vast majority of people simply cannot imagine a temperature like this. It must be exceptional. Near record levels – again, the message is that something extraordinary is going on. Climate change – that obviously explains it! So let’s see what actually was going on in Phoenix. The temperature at Phoenix Airport did actually peak at 119F on June 20th, which was also the highest temperature of the year: However, temperatures of that level are not unprecedented in Phoenix. The record temperature there is 122F, set in 1990, and a figure of 121F followed in 1995: Of course, Phoenix Airport has changed out of all proportion over the years, and temperatures are artificially inflated because of the surrounding tarmac and infrastructure. There is a USHCN station nearby in the small town of Prescott, 82 miles away. Temperatures there are not directly comparable because it is at a much higher altitude. Nevertheless, the trends still tell a story. Temperatures at Prescott peaked at 105F on June 21st.   This was actually higher than 1990 or 1995, unlike Phoenix. Indeed 105F is actually the record for Prescott. However, it ties with the mark set in 1925. (You will note that the Phoenix data only starts in 1940, so we don’t know if the temperature was higher there in 1925). Either way though, Borenstein’s implication that the temperature at Phoenix last year was not a natural, weather event, but instead something caused by climate change is grossly misleading propaganda.   By coincidence, Tim Ball wrote this article about Borenstein last month for Technocracy News and Trends:   One thing that Dr. Tim Ball doesn’t like is scientific fraud coupled with journalistic propaganda to deceive and manipulate readers. Such is the case with Seth Borenstein who is neither scientist or traditional journalist; rather, he is a propagandist with a singular agenda to advance global warming dogma. ⁃ TN Editor Borenstein has a journalism degree but claims to be a science reporter. He might have claim to the journalism label except that everything he writes is biased, misleading, distorted, and wrong because he only presents one side of each story. It is no surprise that he is exploiting the latest claims of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). His article demonstrates that he is a master of propaganda and fake news.   The full article is here. But this latest example of how Borenstein deceives his readers is a classic example of what Dr Ball wrote about.

AP’S Seth Borenstein: A Propagandist Masquerading as a Journalist.

Seth Borenstein: A Propagandist Masquerading as a Journalist. Borenstein has a journalism degree but claims to be a science reporter. He might have claim to the journalism label except that everything he writes is biased, misleading, distorted, and wrong because he only presents one side of each story. It is no surprise that he is exploiting the latest claims of the Intergovernmental Panel […] — gReader Pro

Dr. Pielke Jr. slams AP’s Borenstein for ‘making us dumb’ by reporting global warming ‘is in our living room’ By Anthony Watts Yesterday, Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. responded to Seth Borenstein’s Tweet about his article in the Associated Press on the upcoming 30 year anniversary of Dr. James Hansen’s Climate Predictions from 1988. Borenstein’s title was: ” Warned 30 years ago, global warming ‘is in our living room’ Thirty years later, it’s clear that Hansen and other doomsayers were right. But the change has been so sweeping that it is easy to lose sight of effects large and small — some obvious, others less conspicuous. Pielkes retort: “…how climate change is making us dumb”. Here is the series from Pielke’s Twitter feed: Pielke’s paper: Pielke adds: Roger Pielke Jr. ✔@RogerPielkeJr Via @RyanMaue some good data on global TCs, based on peer reviewed science, consistent with IPCC. From 1988-2017: global tropical cyclones of tropical storm strength global tropical cyclones Category 3+ global tropical cyclones Category 4+ 5:02 PM – Jun 18, 2018 15 See Roger Pielke Jr.’s other Tweets Twitter Ads info and privacy Today, Seth Borenstein is likely to have another episode of “dumb and dumber”, stay tuned.  

AP’s Seth Borenstein: Nature ‘has just gone nuts’ – Links bad weather to ‘global warming’

WASHINGTON (AP) — With four big hurricanes, a powerful earthquake and wildfires, it seems that nature recently has just gone nuts. Some of these disasters, like Friday’s earthquake in Mexico, are natural. Others may end up having a mix of natural and man-made ingredients after scientists examine them. We also always tend to look for patterns and order in chaos, even when they aren’t there, psychologists say. “Nature’s gone crazy,” mused Jeff Masters, meteorology director at the private service Weather Underground. “Welcome to the future. Extreme weather like this is going to be occurring simultaneously more often because of global warming.” … It can take weeks or months for scientists to determine whether an extreme weather event was worsened by man-made climate change. But scientists have long predicted that the strongest hurricanes will get stronger and wetter, fueled by warmer ocean water. And some say the recent global increase in powerful hurricanes fits perfectly with global warming.

New Study impresses AP’s Seth Borenstein – Uses ‘extensive computer models’ to find ‘man-made extreme weather has hit all over the world’

By SETH BORENSTEIN Published: Yesterday WASHINGTON (AP) – Most people on Earth have already felt extreme and record heat, drought or downpours goosed by man-made global warming, new research finds. In a first-of-its-kind study, scientists analyzed weather stations worldwide and calculated that in 85 percent of the cases, the record for hottest day of the year had the fingerprints of climate change. Heat-trapping gases from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas made those records more likely or more intense. “The world is not quite at the point where every hot temperature record has a human fingerprint, but it’s getting close to that,” said lead author and Stanford University climate scientist Noah Diffenbaugh. Climate change’s influence was spotted 57 percent of the time in records for lowest rainfall in a year and 41 percent of the time in records for most rain in a 5-day period, according to the study in Monday’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. For the last several years, researchers have come up with a generally accepted scientific technique to determine whether an individual weather extreme event was made more likely or stronger because of climate change. It usually involves past weather data and extensive computer models that simulate how often an event would happen with no warming from greenhouse gases and compare that to how often it does happen. Outside scientists said what makes Diffenbaugh’s study different and useful is that he doesn’t look at an individual event such as California’s five-year drought. Instead, he applies the technique to weather stations as a whole across the world, said Columbia University climate scientist Adam Sobel, who wasn’t part of new work. “This is a step forward in that it allows general statements about what fraction of events of the given types selected have a statistically significant” human influence, Sobel said in an email.

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