Fake Climate Doom…Recent Research Shows “Vast Majority” Of Pacific Atoll Islands Have Grown In Size
By P Gosselin on 11. December 2024
15 years ago, to illustrate its own demise due to the rising sea, the government of the Maldives once held a publicity stunt cabinet meeting underwater. Today, however, new airports are being built in the island state. Where’s the doom?
Hat-tip: EIKE
Similarly, is the story of the demise of the South Sea islands due to alleged man-made global warming wrong? One thing is certain: islands are not static entities – they are constantly changing with and without “climate” – e.g. through accretion, erosion, continental drift, etc.
Pacific land level rise!
The European Institute For Climate And Energy (EIKE) presents its latest video on the the status of climate change and its impacts on Pacific islands.
Recent peer-reviewed research shows that “the vast majority” of the 709 investigated Pacific islands on the whole have been growing over the past decades. See video.
Some islands have even doubled in size.