It’s a Doomsday Cult: The WEF are the ‘select few’ touched as saviors of the world to ‘master the future’


What would it look like if a doomsday cult had a billion dollars to spend on a skiing holiday?

Maybe like the World Economic Forum: Here are people who think they are the select fewsaviours of the world. They’re touched, they say by something (like an extra terrestrial maybe?) It’s an apocalypse, you know, like 600,000 Hiroshima class atomic bombs says Al Gore. They’re boiling the oceans.

They might be powerful and rich, but the good news is they are utterly absurd.

The modern prophets are here to rescue you

Especially US climate envoy John Kerry:

“When you start to think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we – a select group of human beings, because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives – are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet,” Kerry told a WEF panel on Tuesday.

“It’s so… almost extra-terrestrial to think about, saving the planet. If you say that to most people most people, they think you’re just a crazy tree hugging and lefty liberal, you know, do-gooder, whatever,” he added.

From somewhere above Earth in an omnipotent kind of place, here’s someone who thinks he’s God:

As Jordan Peterson saysWho are you gong to sacrifice to save the planet @JohnKerry  — and do you think and how will you ensure that they have any say in the matter?

Thanks to Umang Sharma at Firstpost

Meanwhile Al Gore tells us 600,000 atomic bombs are boiling the oceans

It’s the hellfire and brimstone formula, with hyperbole, sensationalism and big-scary-numbers.

Chris Donaldson, BizPac Review, claimed the overstuffed prophet of climate doom delivered a deranged rant, and all Donaldson had to do was quote him:

We’re still putting 162 million tons into it every single day, and the accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the Earth,” Gore said.

“That’s what’s boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers and the rain bombs and sucking the moisture out of the land and creating the droughts and melting the ice and raising the sea level and causing these waves of climate refugees predicted to reach 1 billion in this century,” he ranted.

“Look at the xenophobia and political authoritarian trends that have come from just a few million refugees. What about a billion? We would lose our capacity for self governance on this world.

Have you seen a bomb going off? Me neither.


Give us your money

It all comes back to one thing.

Or that other thing at €2,300 a night:

Prostitutes gather in Davos for annual meeting of global elite – where demand for sexual services rockets during economic summit

You’d think planetary heroes would be more popular with the girls?

My favourite description of the WEF is that they are globalization’s “Mafiocracy” of bankers, industrialists, oligarchs, technocrats and politicians.

This article originally appeared at JoNova


  • Joanne Nova

    A prize-winning science graduate in molecular biology. She has given keynotes about the medical revolution, gene technology and aging at conferences. She hosted a children’s TV series on Channel Nine, and has done over 200 radio interviews, many on the Australian ABC. She was formerly an associate lecturer in Science Communication at the ANU. She’s author of The Skeptics Handbook which has been translated into 15 languages. Each day 5,000 people read


Evil or just greedy? Time to talk about The WEF – The World Economic Forum, was founded in 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab where he hit upon the winning idea of organizing a ski holiday for the worlds richest people, described as a management training session or something tax deductible. Like most of these conferences, once the richest of the rich were there, everyone else had to be as long as the riff-raff were kept out. The importance of it was almost certainly not the official speeches but the deals done over drinks-with-new-friends at the bar, or on the piste. It was a chance to meet with Moguls on the moguls.

The foundation is mostly funded by its 1,000 member companies, possibly in lieu of the taxes they don’t pay to their home countries. The 1,000 corporate members are all theoretically “$5 billion dollar entities”, except the ones that are $5 Trillion dollar entities, so they are kind of like the UN of the corporate world, with five times as many members and without the hanger-on-erers. (Fifty of the UN’s members would be too small to qualify).  At best, the WEF is the ultimate corporate conference club, and at worst, a kind of quasi corporate world government. The truth is somewhere in between, but where?

The WEF elites fly in to Davos in late January every year in private jets while they figure out how to save the world from fossil fuels. In their spare time they probably swap names of pliable politicians, or even meet them. They can also find out the names of great accountants, and swap ideas on how to deal with unacceptable citizens.
