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Lebanon gets lights back on after 24 hours of total darkness across ENTIRE country – but fears loom of more blackouts

Henry Holloway

LEBANON has finally got the lights back on some 24 hours after the country was plunged into total darkness by fuel shortages.

The Mediterranean country is battling one of the planet’s worst economic crunches since the 1850s in the wake of last year’s devastating blast that levelled a huge part of the capital Beirut.

The country’s electricity grid powered back after the army supplied 160,000 gallons of fuel to the country’s two top power stations.

It came after the Deir Ammar and Zahrani plants shut down due to a lack of fuel supply on Saturday.

It caused the state electricity network to collapse entirely for the second time this month.

And while the lights are back on for now, fears loom that the country’s power and economic woes will continue.

Energy Minister Walid Fayad said: “The network is back to normal as it was before the fuel oil ran out at Deir Ammar and Zahran.”

Normal however is still mostly a world of darkness for many Lebanese people however, as the state energy firms can only keep power flowing for a few hours each day in rolling blackouts.

And the diesel fuel used by many to power up private generators is also in short supply amid the country’s crisis.
