Climate activists pressure Amazon to drop ‘liar’ Morano’s book ‘Green Fraud’ – Amazon ‘profits off of climate denial books’ while it ‘claims to want to be a climate savior’

DailyKos excerpt: Longtime fossil fool Marc Morano has a “new” book out about how “the Green New Deal is even worse than you think.” ($24.99 on Amazon) Featuring none other than NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the cover, because of course Morano would drive a little hate towards a woman, the book explains the definitely new and novel idea that, according to the Amazon synopsis, “‘climate change’ is the perfect Trojan horse for the socialist agenda of the Left”. …

According to a breakdown by Joe Bastardi, published by Morano’s employer CFACT, the book looks like just another attempt to convince conservatives that science is actually a conspiracy. That’s something Marc’s been hard at work on this year. …

If you’re wondering who on Earth would publish a career liar’s book of regurgitated old blog posts, may we introduce reliable conservative propaganda producer Regnery publishing. …

But to help sell some books beyond what Regnery will likely purchase to juice sales figures, Morano’s also working the disinformation circuit, illustrating Dunlap and Jacques’ point about conservative books being amplified by the conservative movement with an interview at the Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal, a chapter-by-chapter summary by…blogger Lubos Motl, and a review by…[the] Federalist in just a couple days. …

Though what Morano might be most proud of is that his book is the #1 New Release in Amazon’s so-niche-everyone-can-be-a-winner “United States National Government” section.

Given that Amazon claims to want to be a climate savior, how does it justify selling books like this, and soso many others, that very intentionally work against a goal of climate action?

You can either be a climate champion, or you can sell and profit off of climate denial books like Morano’s, that “recycle scientifically unfounded claims that are then amplified by the conservative movement, media, and political elites.”
