The Seinfeld Strategy for Climate Change

The Seinfeld Strategy for Climate Change

The good news is that even some radical leftists are starting to acknowledge problems with so-called green energy.

Michael Moore campaigns for Bernie Sanders in La Poste, Iowa in January.PHOTO: BRIAN CAHN/ZUMA PRESS

The good news is that even some radical leftists are starting to acknowledge problems with so-called green energy. The bad news is they now favor limiting energy production from current sources and replacing it with… nothing.

Just a few decades after the Manhattan Institute’s Peter Huber began explaining that alternative energy sources are inefficient and therefore require huge environmental footprints, the celebrity left is beginning to comprehend. A few Hollywood folks have even noticed how much green space and wildlife have to make way for solar farms.

Sandernista filmmaker Michael Moore and director Jeff Gibbs are out with a new movie called “Planet of the Humans,” which has racked up more than four million views since its online release last week. Mr. Moore asks on his YouTube page:

Have we environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions, that are anything but green, because we’re scared that this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass, wind turbines, and electric cars?

Jill Serjeant at Reuters explains that the film “argues that the mainstream environmental movement has sold out to corporate interests and that solar and wind energy components and electric cars rely too heavily on deforestation and electricity generated from coal and natural gas to produce them.”

As always, Mr. Moore is blaming capitalism. But what he’s actually describing is cronyism—profits generated by politically-favored but economically and environmentally questionable energy sources.

In a film review for The Guardian, Peter Bradshaw calls it a “refreshingly contrarian eco-documentary” and adds of Mr. Moore’s collaborator:

Gibbs has a cheeky habit of going backstage at music festivals that solemnly declare themselves to be using 100% renewable energy, only to find that the fancy array of solar panels behind the tent is enough to power a single bass guitar. The rest of the energy is provided by just plugging into the shameful old electricity grid, provided by fossil fuels. He sees it as symptomatic of the mainstream environmental movement, running on delusional piety.

All the green, liberal A-listers – Bill McKibben, Al Gore, Van Jones, Robert F Kennedy Jr – are attacked in this film as a pompous and complacent high-priest caste of the environmental movement, who are shilling for a fossil fuel industry that has sneakily taken them over.

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The post The Seinfeld Strategy for Climate Change appeared first on The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF).
