Rare climate debate set for NYC on April 15: ‘Is Carbon Dioxide Endangering the Planet?’ – Watch skeptic Dr. Craig Idso vs. warmist Jeffrey Bennett


Is Carbon Dioxide Endangering the Planet?

“Global climate change is a serious problem calling for immediate national action,” read a petition in the Wall Street Journal  signed by prominent economists. “A carbon tax offers the most cost-effective lever to reduce carbon emissions at the scale and speed that is necessary.”

As astrophysicist Jeffrey Bennett, a former Visiting Senior Scientist at NASA. warns: “We should expect the rising carbon dioxide concentration to warm our planet, with the warming becoming more severe as we add more carbon dioxide.”

Others disagree, including Dr. Craig Idso of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, who states that “atmospheric CO2 is not pollution and is not causing dangerous global warming.” Idso views rising atmospheric CO2 as “the elixir of life” in light of the many benefits it is providing to both natural and managed ecosystems.

On Monday, April 15, we’re bringing this clash of viewpoints to the Soho Forum. Craig Idso will take the affirmative, and Jeffrey Bennett the negative, on the resolution: There is little or no rigorous evidence that rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are causing dangerous global warming and threatening life on the planet. 

Have a strong stance on this issue? Come to the debate and vote on the proposition. Buy tickets before they sell out!

There is little or no rigorous evidence that rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are causing dangerous global warming and threatening life on the planet.
Monday, April 15, 2019

Subculture Theater
45 Bleecker St., New York, NY 10012
Doors open: 5:45pm
Meeting convenes: 6:30pm
Reception: 8:15pm
Tickets must be reserved in advance.
