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Not Enough: Yellow Vest Protesters Reject Suspension of Fuel Tax Rises in France

Representatives from the Yellow Vest movement have said that a temporary suspension of a further tax increase by the government does not go far enough, maintaining the taxes should be cut altogether.

The government of Emmanuel Macron will announce Tuesday morning a moratorium on the increase of the fuel tax, slated for January 1st, according to government sources speaking to franceinfo and confirmed by Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The freeze on taxes is believed to last several months, with Prime Minister Édouard Philippe also set to announce other measures in an attempt to appease protesters.

However, Benjamin Cauchy, who has become a major figure in the Yellow Vest (or Gilets Jaunes) movement, told franceinfo, “We will not be put to sleep by a moratorium, the issues are much wider than that.”

Mr Cauchy also told AFP that “the French do not want crumbs, they want the breadstick in full,” and called for “a new distribution of wealth in France” and the establishment of “regular referendums on major societal issues.”

The union of students, which took part in solidarity protests on Monday, also said that the temporary tax rise halt did not go far enough.
