Report: 30‰ Increase In Arctic Sea Ice Volume Over The Past Decade

Thirty Percent Increase In Arctic Sea Ice Volume Over The Past Decade

The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

Thirty Percent Increase In Arctic Sea Ice Volume Over The Past Decade

by tonyheller / Sep 26, 2018
Ten years ago, America’s leading Arctic experts said the climate had passed the tipping point, and the Arctic could be ice-free between 2013 and 2018.

28 Aug 2008, 7 – The Daily Journal at

The exact opposite has happened. Arctic sea ice volume is up 30% over the past ten years.

FullSize_CICE_combine_thick_SM_EN_20180925.png (1337×1113)

FullSize_CICE_combine_thick_SM_EN_20080925.png (1337×1113)

The coverage of thick ice has massively expanded over the past ten years. The animation below switches between 2008 and 2018, and masks out all ice less than four feet thick.

Arctic sea ice volume melt has been declining for fifteen years, and this year was fourth smallest melt on record.

Spreadsheet Data

Arctic summer temperatures have been running consistently below normal over the past decade, so there should be no surprise that sea ice melt is down.

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Meanwhile, the usual criminals in the press blame an imaginary increase in extreme events on imaginary loss of Arctic ice.

The Melting Arctic Is a Horror Story — Why Doesn’t Anyone Care? – Rolling Stone
