Under Trump, EPA workforce shrinks to ‘levels not seen since the Reagan administration’

President Donald Trump has another campaign promise to brag about keeping, “nearly all federal agencies are seeing dramatic reductions in workforce” under the Trump administration, according to the Washington Post.  The EPA, which President Trump has targeted to reverse former President Obama’s “climate agenda” has now reduced its workforce to “to levels not seen since the Reagan administration.”

Climate change skeptics are rejoicing at this key promise kept from President Trump. In 2017, the Trump Administration’s OMB director Mick Mulvaney had announced there would be no more ‘crazy’ climate spending.   Mulvaney was direct, declaring “global warming” funding “a waste of your money.” 

Just last week, a prominent climate skeptic, Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer, joined the Trump administration. Happer has called “global warming” a “cult movement” and “pure belief disguised as science.” In addition, the Trump administration is withdrawing the U.S. from the UN Paris climate pact and reversing the Obama administration’s “global warming” regulations. Trump’s new Supreme Court pick could also make it harder to fight “Climate change.”

Here is the latest on the shrinking federal agencies.

Via: https://thinkprogress.org/epa-staffers-exodus-under-trump-8093c918f21f/

A mass exodus of workers is depleting the ranks of the Environmental Protection Agency, shrinking the federal office tasked with safeguarding America’s natural resources to its smallest size in decades, the Washington Post reported on Sunday.

Since President Trump has taken office, 1,600 EPA employees have departed the EPA. The Post notes that this has shrunk its workforce “to levels not seen since the Reagan administration.”

Staff departures, coupled with a slowness to replace them, accomplishes a stated goal of the Trump administration: shrinking the federal government. In addition to the EPA, the Post notes that nearly all federal agencies are seeing dramatic reductions in workforce under Trump. This is increasingly making carrying out their missions much more difficult. And with the possibility of budget cuts still on the table, further staff attrition could be in the future.

The now former EPA staffers noted their frustration with Trump’s radically anti-environment agenda, saying it was the catalyst for their decision. Scientist Ann Williamson told the Post, “I did not want to any longer be any part of this administration’s nonsense.”

# End excerpt


Related Links: 

Cheers! Trump May Be Boosting ‘Climate Change Doubt’ – Poll: GOP Voters Climate Skepticism Doubles in Past Year

Flashback 2017: A Joyful Day in DC! White House declares ‘global warming’ funding is ‘a waste of your money’
