During the days following Earth Day, Rachel Carson’s venerable environmental book ‘Silent Spring’ is being currently outsold and deposed during the time of Earth Day by Morano’s new best-selling book, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” from Regnery Books. Morano also presented the book to EPA chief Scott Pruitt and was featured in an 18-minutes interview on the 700 Club with Pat Robertson.
“The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” is currently ranked an Amazon “best seller” and continues to be ranked number one in Climatology, Environment and Nature, Earth Sciences on Amazon. The book had been sold out for weeks at Amazon, Walmart, Target, Barnes & Noble. (See: Sold out! Politically Incorrect Climate Book sells out at Amazon, Target & Walmart! )
The book is now back in stock and on its third printing. The book continues to rank in top 100 on all book sales at Amazon.
As the book’s success continues unabated, Morano has been subjected to increasing hostility for his skeptical stance. See: DEATH WISH: ‘People like you should just die, motherf*cker’ — ‘Go to Hell’ – Skeptical climate book author Morano’s hate mail of the day
Order Your Book Copy Now! ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’ By Marc Morano
The book has been endorsed by Nobel Prize Winning scientist Dr. Ivar Giaever. (see below) The new book also comes out just in time to greet the upcoming UN IPCC climate report already making the media rounds: See: Leaked UN IPCC Draft Report calls for ‘a radical transformation of society’ – Predicts 1.5°C Warming By 2043
This book is the ultimate reference guide to climate change and no parent should be without a copy as their kids under climate education at school from elementary through college!