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Divided States of America: Public split on Gore’s sequel: ‘41% gave film a 10 rating, while 42% gave it 1 measly point’


More than 1,400 users have already weighed in on “An Inconvenient Sequel,” which doesn’t even open nationwide until Friday. But who needs to actually see it? Clearly, minds are already made up on the topic of Gore and climate change.

Just look at the huge divide among reviewers:

As you can see, 41% gave the film a 10 rating, while 42% gave it 1 measly point. Obviously, it’s either the best movie ever to grace the screen or the worst, depending which side of the aisle you ask.

Welcome to the Divided States of America.

“Why’s this man still allowed to make a documentary let alone a sequel about earth’s demise because of ‘global warming’ created by us, humans?” writes Benno. “It’s been proved on his first ‘Inconvenient Truth’ that it wasn’t true at all. His predictions never came to fruition and the globe stayed the way it was when his film came out.”

More of the same kind of thing from Tru Patriot: “There’s another inconvenient truth worth noting and, like most sequels, this one is even worse than the original. Gore’s hypocritical home energy use and ‘do as I say not as I do’ lifestyle has plunged to embarrassing new depths.”
