Finally, see ‘Climate Hustle’ in Australia — Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney.

Don’t miss this if you can get there :- )  (And don’t forget to sign that Petition to get Australia out of the Paris Agreement too).

Climate Hustle, Documentary, Logo.

U.S.-based CFACT, along with its Australian partners, is hosting a showing of its new groundbreaking documentary, Climate Hustle, and you’re invited! Following each event, join film director CFACT Executive Director, Craig Rucker and film host and publisher of Marc Morano, for a question and answer session. Get the behind the scenes scoop on both the film and the US’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.

This could be the antidote to the Al Gore effect. As Tim Blair says “Get out of Melbourne while you still can — the notorious serial chiller is coming. Let’s see if Al can break Melbourne’s 2015 July chill record.”

We are pleased to be working with the following organizations:
Australian Institute for Progress   | Galileo Movement  | Australian Environment Foundation  | Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance

July 12- Melbourne, Australia
Village Roadshow Theatrette- State Library of Victoria
Doors open at 5:30 PM, film to start at 6:00 PM
Reception and Q/A session to follow
Get Melbourne TICKETS here

July 15- Brisbane, Australia
Sponsored by the Australian Institute for Progress
New Farm Cinema
Doors open at 4:30 PM
Get Brisbane TICKETS here

July 18- Sydney, Australia
Club Five Dock
Doors open at 7:00 PM
Get Sydney TICKETS here

Information about Climate Hustle. | Information about CFACT.

Scorching temperatures. Melting ice caps. Killer hurricanes and tornadoes. Disappearing polar bears. The end of civilization as we know it!

Are emissions from our cars, factories, and farms causing catastrophic climate change? Is there a genuine scientific consensus? Or is man-made “global warming” an overheated environmental myth being used to push for drastic government control and a radical “Green” energy agenda? This film, hosted by award-winning journalist Marc Morano of CFACT’s, features interviews and comments from no fewer than 30 renowned and well-regarded scientists and experts.
