All References to ‘Climate Change’ Deleted From White House Website at Noon Today

WASHINGTON, DC — A climate of change! Perhaps the most stark contrast between the Obama administration and the Trump administration is on “global warming”. The climate differences were visible today as the White House website was scrubbed of all references to “climate change” at exactly noon today just as President Donald Trump was sworn in.

Climate Depot statement: “Climate skeptics are thrilled that one of the very first visible changes of the transition of power between President Obama and President Trump is the booting of “climate change” from the White House website. Trump is truly going to make science great again and reject the notion that humans are the control knob of the climate and UN treaties and EPA regulations can somehow regulate temperature and storminess. Welcome to the era of sound science!” (Note: Skeptical Film ‘Climate Hustle’ Now Available As ‘Streaming Video On Demand’ to Greet Gore’s Sequel)

Meteorologist and Weather Channel Founder John Coleman had one word to describe the White House climate website changes. ‘Hooray!,” Coleman, a climate skeptic, tweeted. (Also see: Weather Channel Founder: Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ Will Be Another ‘Scientific Monstrosity)


Above image courtesy of


All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website

At 11:59 am eastern, the official White House website had a lengthy information page about the threat of climate change and the steps the federal government had taken to fight it. At noon, at the instant Donald Trump took office, the page was gone, as well as any mention of climate change or global warming.
It’s customary for to flip over to the new administration exactly at noon, but the only mention of climate on President Trump’s new website is under his “America First Energy Plan” page, in which he vows to destroy President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, which is a government-wide plan to reduce carbon emissions and address climate change.
“President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule,” the site says. A search of the website found no mention of “global warming,” and the only mentions of “climate change” were archived pages that, after clicking on the links, led to scrubbed pages.

Here’s what President Obama’s climate change page looked like this morning:

And here’s what it looks like now:


Update: With White House “climate change” page now removed, a pledge to increase drilling has been added as part of ‘An America First Energy Plan.’

Related Links:


Weather Channel Founder: Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ Will Be Another ‘Scientific Monstrosity’ review of Gore’s sequel: ‘Unfortunately, the filmmaking is, alas, not very good…like watching taped lectures’

Skeptical Film ‘Climate Hustle’ Now Available As ‘Streaming Video On Demand’ to Greet Gore’s Sequel

Watch: Prominent Ivy League Geologist who voted for Gore ‘appalled’ after viewing his 2006 film

Watch critically acclaimed ‘Climate Hustle’ on Video on Demand – One Click Away

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