Weather Channel Founder John Coleman, a meteorologist for over six decades, is issuing a full frontal attack on Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Sequel” – a sequel to his original “An Inconvenient Truth” being debuted today at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, the day before President-Elect Donald Trump will be sworn in.
“Gore’s Hollywood friends are giving his blatantly unscientific scare predictions a new platform,” Coleman told Climate Depot in an exclusive interview.
“We have been horrified that Gore’s first scientific monstrosity has been shown as factual in schools throughout the world for all these years while our presentations in rebuttal have been generally ignored by educators and the liberal biased media,” Coleman told Climate Depot in an exclusive interview.
Climate Hustle Rebuts Gore’s films
Coleman continued: “For years others and I begged Hollywood to give a scientifically accurate counteract on Gore’s sci-fi film a chance. We were ready and willing to make a fun but scientifically factual rebuttal to Mr. Gore. We were totally ignored. Thank goodness CFACT was able, at last, to produce a very well done answer with an internationally released theatrical film called “Climate Hustle,” written and hosted by Marc Morano.
The critically acclaimed “Climate Hustle,” which was the #1 movie in America per screen during its national event in 400 theaters, will also be having its “Streaming Video on Demand” debut on January 19th to coincide with the release of Gore’s sequel.
Click here to watch ‘Climate Hustle’ now.
“Climate Hustle” features politically left scientists who voted for Gore, but were “appalled” after viewing his film. See: Watch: Prominent Ivy League Geologist who voted for Gore ‘appalled’ after viewing his film
“It is deeply depressing to hear that a new Al Gore movie on climate change will debut at actor Robert Redford’s Sundance film festival. Thousands of scientists have debunked the horrid science fiction in his first film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, Coleman explained.
“Gore keeps making billions and mis-educating millions and the media keeps spreading wild science-fiction claims on a daily basis,” Coleman added.
Coleman’s Key Climate Facts:
- 97% of scientists do NOT agree that the science of climate change is settled. Not by a long shot. That oft-quoted statistic was totally fabricated as is the claim that the tiny fraction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as a result of mankind’s use of fossil fuels to power our wonderful civilization of smart phones, heating and air conditioning and swift and safe transportation is in some magical way destroying our climate. The 97% claim has been disproved over and over again, but Gore, government and media continue to issue horrible scare claims.
- The oceans are not going to flood our cities.
- Massive killer storms are not going to sweep the Earth.
- Heat waves are not going kill millions.
- Our crops are not going to fail.
- (More on the latest climate science here: Climate Report to UN: Trump right, UN wrong – Skeptics Deliver Consensus Busting ‘State of the Climate Report’ to UN Summit )
Coleman concluded:
“We thousands of scientists will not give up. We will continue to battle this non-science beast of Goliath. And we hope that like David did in that wonderful old tale, we will eventually win the war.
“There is no significant man-made climate change now, there has not been any in the past and there is no scientific reason to fear any in the future.”
Related Links:
The skeptical film Climate Hustle, now out on Video on Demand and DVD, had its nationwide premiere in theaters in the U.S. and Canada in May 2016, showing in over 400 theaters. The film just had its EU parliament premiere in October
Review: ‘Climate Hustle is the most dangerous documentary of the year’ – ‘Brutally effective’ – ‘It’s hard not to laugh’ – Christian Toto of Hollywood In Toto: ‘Climate Hustle’ is just the tonic the global warming debate needs’
‘Climate Hustle’ film debuts at EU Parliament in Brussels – EU Hosts Morano & Producer Chris Rogers
Background on Gore’s sequel:
Gore’s Inconvenient Truth sequel stresses spiritual argument on climate – ‘Admission that facts alone will not persuade Americans to act on global warming and that appealing to their spiritual side is the way forward’