Former Obama Energy Chief slams EPA climate regs: ‘Falsely sold as impactful’ – ‘All U.S. annual emissions will be offset by 3 weeks of Chinese emissions’

Washington DC — Former Obama Department of Energy Assistant Secretary Charles McConnell eviscerated the President’s proposed EPA Clean Power Plan regulation to fight global warming in testimony before Congress.

McConnell’s full testimony here:

Former Assistant Secretary: “The Clean Power Plan (CPP) has been falsely sold as impactful environmental regulation when it is really an attempt by our primary federal environmental regulator to take over state and federal regulation of energy.”

“What is also clear, scientifically and technically, is that EPA’s plan will not significantly impact global emissions.”

“Consider that all of the U.S. annual emissions in 2025 will be offset by three weeks of Chinese emissions. Three weeks. So it is dramatically uneventful. Is this impactful climate regulation? I think not.”

Impact of EPA’s Clean Power Plan
House Science Committee
May 26, 2016
