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EPA Chief: ‘Climate deniers are not about’ science, they’re just selfish about ‘the solutions’

Speaking at Planet Forward 2016, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy says that climate change is “impacting public health” and “every human being on the face of this Earth”. McCarthy says that ‘Climate deniers are not about a lack of data. They’re deniers as to whether or not the solutions, once you recognize the problem, are going to be to their advantage or not.”

ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “…if you think that climate change isn’t impacting public health then you have to open your eyes and take a closer look because the data is there, the understanding is there. And, so while EPA struggles to bring good quality air to everybody, safe drinking water, healthy safe places for kids to live and work, we also have to recognize that an unstable climate is impacting every human being on the face of this Earth, and if we do not do something, you are the very people whose future is being robbed and taken from you.” […]

FRANK SESNO: “How about more science in our leaders? How about more data?”

ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “You know I don’t know if it’s more data or forcing people to look at the data. I mean really. Climate deniers are not about a lack of data. They’re deniers as to whether or not the solutions, once you recognize the problem, are going to be to their advantage or not.”

Planet Forward 2016
April 21, 2016
