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Praise be to the — UN!? UN Climate Summit Healed The Climate?!
UN climate summit deal Dec. 12, 2015: ‘The Day Science Died’
‘No Trick’s Zone’s Pierre Gosselin: ‘New UN ‘Historical Draft’ Is Delusional …Will Go Down In History As Certificate Of Madness – Reading it I couldn’t help but think this is a document of madness. Global temperature cannot be regulated. It’s delusional to think so. Unless you’re going to make money from it, why would anyone want to sign it and ensure a place in history’s Laughing Stock Hall of Fame?’
Marc Morano in USA Today’s ‘Opposing View’ on UN summit: “The U.N. summit’s goal of limiting the Earth’s temperature to a rise of no more than 2 degrees Celsius is also not based on science. The Climategate emails revealed that even U.N. scientists admitted that the 2-degree goal was “plucked out of thin air.” The notion that a U.N. agreement to limit emissions will somehow alter the Earth’s temperature or storminess is bordering on belief in witchcraft.”
Morano: ‘If we faced a climate catastrophe and had to rely on the U.N. to save us, we’d all be doomed! Nothing the U.N. is proposing to “solve” climate change would have any measurable impact on temperatures or storminess, even if you accept their scientific claims.’
Paris climate change deal will not stop polar bears dying due to THICK ice in spring – “Thick spring ice due to natural causes is currently the single biggest threat to polar bears. Notdeclining summer sea ice – thick spring ice.”
Climate Negotiators Hail ‘Historic’ Paris Draft Agreement
Flashback 2007: ‘Global warming’ will ‘reduce the length of a day’ – ‘Make Earth spin faster’
Satellites to police gas emissions
2015 will likely end as the least-deadly tornado year on record in U.S.
Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth Continues On Last Day Of UN Climate Summit
NYT: ‘Global warming’ is even impacting the DEAD! – UN climate deal needed to ‘save frozen mummies’
National Review Gives Two Thumbs Up: ‘Climate Hustle, a brutal and extremely funny takedown of the science behind global warming’ – ‘Committee for a Constructive