Climate Depot Round Up: ”Despite the fact that climate activists have changed renamed ‘global warming’ into ‘climate change’ and then to climate ‘disruption’ and ‘global weirding’, the weather and climate is failing to cooperate. Below is a round up of the latest on extreme weather data and studies.”
Extreme Weather:
Fine print in Obama’s climate report breaks from warmist narrative — Admits no trends in droughts, storms, tornadoes and hail! – After cranking up the fear of increasing droughts, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes, the report offers some little disclaimers admitting to unsettled science: But the fine print that few will ever read acknowledges the real uncertainties of something as complex as the planet’s atmosphere. – “There has been no universal trend in the overall extent of drought across the continental U.S. since 1900,” the authors observe. We also learn that “trends in severe storms, including the intensity and frequency of tornadoes, hail, and damaging thunderstorm winds, are uncertain and are being studied intensively.”
New paper unable to link 2013 extreme weather of droughts, heavy rain & storms to AGW
Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. ‘the bottom line on this new NOAA special report: If you are attributing any extreme other than heat waves to Anthropogenic Climate Change, you are on weak (or worse) scientific ground.”
3,264 Days Without a Major (Cat 3 +) Hurricane Strike – ‘Nearly 9 years…the last being Wilma in October, 2005′ – Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: As of today (October 1) it’s been nearly 9 years since a major hurricane (Cat 3 or greater) has struck the U.S., the last being Wilma in October, 2005. Remember the 2005 hurricane season? Landfalling hurricanes right and left. Katrina! This was going to be the new normal in a Global Warming world. Then the bottom dropped out of tropical activity.
U.S. Tornado Count Plummeting to Record Low Levels Three Consecutive Years
Possible record low number of tornadoes in Oklahoma
New Research Confirms Human CO2 Not Causing A Global Drought Increase
Date | Location | Dead |
1887, September-October | Hwang Ho (Yellow) River, China | Over 900,000 |
1939 | North China | 500000 |
1642 | Kaifeng, Honan Province, China | Over 300,000 |
1099 | England and the Netherlands | 100000 |
1287, December 14 | The Netherlands | 50000 |
1824 | Russia | 10000 |
1421, November 18 | The Netherlands | 10000 |
1964, November-December | Mekong Delta, South Vietnam | 5000 |
1951, August 6-7 | Manchuria | 4800 |
1948, June | Foochow, China | 350 |