Watch Now: Morano on TV (humbly) promotes new climate film: ‘We are going to have the greatest climate documentary of al-l-l-l-l ti-i-i-ime!’

Watch Marc Morano here:

Morano: ‘We are shooting for entertainment value first as our goal and education as number two. We have to make this entertaining and appeal to the average viewer who does not follow climate change on a regular basis.

‘We confront UN IPCC lead author Michael Oppenheimer who claimed in a climate documentary with Tom Brokaw that skeptics were motivated by money. I got to ask him point blank — I asked him about his funding of a quarter million dollars from none other than Barbra Streisand. Oppenheimer was the climatologist to the Hollywood stars and I ask him about this on camera. And he is accusing skeptics of being motivated by funding.

We have hard hitting sections. We bring in scientists whose stories have not been told before.

Climate Hustle is set for a Fall 2014 release.

Related Links:

‘Climate Hustle’: New skeptic documentary planned for Fall release is ‘off to a roaring start’ – ‘In just three weeks, we were able to surpass our initial funding goal of $50,000 for the production of our groundbreaking Climate Hustle film. This exciting CFACT project has clearly struck a nerve, as people are fed up with Green climate propaganda and hungry for an informative documentary that will take apart global warming myths – and do it in a unique style sure to entertain and amuse!’
