More from No Tricks Zone website: Global Warming Alarmist Bill Nye Confuses Antarctic Continent With The Arctic…Doesn’t Know North From South! – ‘Er, Bill, that graphic you’re holding up is one of the Arctic, and not the Antarctic. Nye doesn’t even know north from south! And concerning global sea ice, today it is at near normal levels. Nye’s cherry-picking the single data-point of September 2013 at the single location of the Arctic is not a persuasive argument – never mind him using the wrong chart.’
Nye was not the first choice of man-made global warming proponents to debate climate on national TV. See: Warmist rips Bill Nye’s ‘Meet the Press’ debate on NBC: Warmist Dan Weiss: ‘Epic fail by [David] Gregory. Nye not that effective. Daily show does it better.’
Warmist Salon Mag. Disses Bill Nye as ‘a professional children’s entertainer’
Climate skeptics also took apart Bill Nye’s debate performance: NBC Debate Featuring Man Who Plays a Scientist on TV Crashes and Burns
Related Links:
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Marc Morano V. Bill Nye Climate Debate on Fox With Stossel in Jan. 2014
Antarctic Sea Ice Sets New Record For Jan 31st: ‘Meanwhile, global sea ice area is normal’
Studies show South Pole COOLING: Temperatures across most of Antarctica has been FALLING since the mid 20th century, with the exception of the Antarctic Peninsula – ‘Report finds strong evidence that there has been a cooling trend across the bulk of the Antarctic continent, with the exception of the Peninsula which has become warmer. Temperature records over the last decade appear to confirm that these trends are still continuing.’
Media Flustered at News of Antarctica Not Melting; Ice Levels At Record High
New review paper finds temperature history of Antarctica argues strongly against AGW
Warmists trot out tobacco smear to demean skeptics debating climate on TV: Dem Sen. ‘Giving scientists and climate change deniers equal time is like having tobacco executives debate doctors on the safety of cigarettes’ – Climate Depot Responds: ‘The warmists have it exactly backwards. It is the global warming proponents who are guilty of the tobacco tactics.’
Morano and Nye also debated on CNN in 2012.
Meet the Press to Host Climate Change Debate Featuring a Guy [Bill Nye] Who Played a Scientist on TV – ‘Nye has repeatedly debated Climate Depot’s Marc Morano, and, to steal part of a line from Muhammad Ali, during an early match-up, on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, Morano beat Nye so bad, Nye needed a shoehorn to put his bow tie back on. So did Nye come up with some new arguments when Fox hosted a re-match? No, he didn’t bother. He trotted out the same weak arguments…And so Marc Morano trounced him again.’
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry’s at Senate hearing: ‘Attempts to modify the climate through reducing CO2 emissions may turn out to be futile’ – UN IPCC now making ‘a weaker case for anthropogenic global warming’ – Dr. Judith Curry, Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology – Ice: ‘The increase in Antarctic sea ice is not understood and is not simulated correctly by climate models. Further, Arctic surface temperature anomalies in the 1930’s were as large as the recent temperature anomalies.’