Climate Depot’s Morano on new alarmist National Academy of Sciences’ climate ‘tipping point’ study: It ‘openly shills for more climate funding for its members’

AP’s Borenstein quotes Prof. Wuebbles: ‘Donald Wuebbles, a University of Illinois climate scientist who wasn’t part of the academy study, called it important, especially the call for better warning systems’

But no mention that Wuebbles has been writing reports for alarmist pressure groups Union of Concerned Scientists for a decade. See here.

Flasbhack: Warmist Prof. Donald Wuebbles of U. of Illinois goes full climate astrology: ‘There’s really no such thing as natural weather anymore’ – Wuebbles: ‘Anything that takes place today in the weather system has been affected by the changes we’ve made to the climate system’

Climate Depot Response: Prof. Wuebbles might as well claim that we never had weather like this until those darn witches moved in the neighborhood’


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