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Reality Bites: Why Wind, Solar, And Electric Car Advocates Must Also Love Fossil Fuels – ‘Blocking fossil fuel development increases
cost for renewables’ By Jude Clemente Let’s start with the basics: fossil fuels supply 80% of the world’s energy and about 80% of the energy consumed in the U.S. Energy is the driving force of modern life, so fossil fuels are thus the inherent inputs to just about everything that we do, make, and consume. One could […]

Biden To Pay Americans To Plug Up Oil Wells By P. GARDNER GOLDSMITH This is the second breaking story tied to the Biden regime that recalls the perverse and absurd FDR policy of using money it took from taxpayers to pay people literally to destroy valuable things like agricultural products, or to engage in useless work, like digging ditches and then refilling them. […]

Watch: Morano on OAN TV on Pete Buttigieg Being Chased Off Stage By Climate Protestors Who Were Chanting ‘Stop Petro Pete’

Broadcast October 12, 2023 – One America TV – In Focus w/ Alsion Steinberg The Hill: Climate protesters crash Buttigieg interview, chanting ‘stop Petro Pete’ Many protestors concerned about climate change stormed the stage where U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was being interviewed Thursday in Baltimore. Buttigieg was in town at a daylong conference to discuss […]

Biden’s Energy Plan: Drill Anywhere But the USA! Interior Sec. Deb Haaland brags about ‘the smallest number of oil & gas lease sales in history’ Dept of Interior Announcement: Reflecting America’s Rapid and Accelerating Shift to Clean Energy, Interior Department Announces Fewest Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Sales in History in Proposed Final Program for 2024–2029 Plan phases down oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico; will enable offshore wind program to continue to rapidly grow Proposed […]

Analysis: Biden’s billion-dollar oil mistake: Biden hamstrung his country from Day One – ‘Aggressive support for ESG’ – ‘Proxy war against Russia’ & ‘Sabre-rattling approach to China’

ASHLEY RINDSBERG: “What has landed us here is a combination of three of the Biden administration’s signature policies — its aggressive support for ESG, its proxy war against Russia, and its sabre-rattling approach to China. The result is that the US is now in an energy chokehold right when the country needs as many options as possible.” …

“The causes of surging oil prices trace back to structural changes Biden made to the economy, combined with now intractable foreign policy commitments, which, this late in the game, cannot be easily undone.” … 

“Those decisions go back to Biden’s very first day in office. On 20 January 2021, the new president signed an executive order revoking a permit required for the Keystone XL, an extension of an existing pipeline that would have transported an extra 830,000 barrels per day from Canadian oil fields to refineries in Texas. The move had its roots in Biden’s campaign strategy, which positioned Biden as a “climate change pioneer”. According to the text of Biden’s executive order: “The United States and the world face a climate crisis. That crisis must be met with action on a scale and at a speed commensurate with the need to avoid setting the world on a dangerous, potentially catastrophic, climate trajectory.” The Keystone XL pipeline “disserves” American interests, Biden said.

Solar Energy Is Getting 200 Times More In Federal Subsidies Than Nuclear & 191 Times More in Subsidies Than Oil, Gas & Coal – Solar handouts could total $900 billion by 2060

Robert Bryce: “Thanks to climate corporatism, some of America’s biggest corporations, including NextEra Energy and MidAmerica Energy, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, are collecting billions of dollars in tax credits and they stand to collect untold billions more in the coming years thanks to the IRA.” … 

“The subsidy picture for the landscape-blighting, bird-bat-and-whale-killing wind industry is only slightly less depressing. According to the the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), the wind sector collected about $2.2 billion in federal tax subsidies in 2022. Last year, the domestic wind sector produced 4.1 EJ of energy. That means the wind sector got roughly $537 million per EJ, or about 41 times more than what was given to the nuclear sector.” … 

“What about hydrocarbons? The JCT figures show that federal tax incentives for the hydrocarbon sector totaled about $1.1 billion last year. According to the Statistical Review of World Energy, domestic hydrocarbon production last year totaled about 79 EJ. Thus, the hydrocarbon sector got only slightly more federal tax love than the nuclear sector: about $13.9 million per EJ. That means that solar energy got about 191 times more per EJ produced than what was given to hydrocarbon producers in 2022.” …

“Our grid should be weather resilient, not weather dependent. That means we should be developing low-carbon energy sources that are resilient, scalable, affordable, and ready for deployment. That means N2N: natural gas to nuclear.”


Update: Robert Bryce: Actually, Solar Is Getting 302 Times More In Federal Subsidies Than Nuclear – An August EIA report shows my prior calculations were too low by half

American Energy Alliance: Biden ‘Raises Energy Prices Intentionally’ – ‘Interior Dept cancelled the 7 remaining oil & gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic Wildlife Refuge’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 09/07/2023 MEDIA CONTACT: [email protected] President Biden Raises Energy Prices Intentionally Biden has nobody to blame but himself for high gas prices.   WASHINGTON DC (09/07/2023) – Despite rising gasoline prices, the Department of Interior cancelled the seven remaining oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), estimated to hold over 10 billion barrels of […]

What a ‘Climate Emergency’ declaration means for oil & gas production in the U.S.

Whenever enviros tell this Admin to jump, the only question the WH asks is "How high? When they get their Dem sycophants in Congress and the MSM demanding a #ClimateEmergency be declared, start paying attention. They just also happened to put in writing what a climate… — US Oil & Gas Association (@US_OGA) July […]

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘The reason oil & gas companies are rolling in $$ is the Net-Zero fantasy that has restricted fossil fuels & made a windfall for the fossil fuel companies, all at our expense’

This is the greatest irony. The reason the oil & gas companies are rolling in $$ is the Net-Zero fantasy that has restricted fossil fuels and made a windfall for the fossil fuel companies, all at our expense, due to Greenhouse etc. policies. Wake up citizens, you’ve been conned. — Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) July […]